Tesla Phone Review| Everything you need to Know

tesla phone feature image

The concept of the Tesla phone believe the named Model Pi/P has been circulate across the internet. 

What is the likelihood of the possibility of a smartphone launch? We haven’t heard from reliable sources convincing us. And we were thinking What do you think an iPhone from the world’s top automaker has to look like?  

Tesla Robot: News, Rumors, and Estimated Price, Release Date, and Specs  

When Will the Tesla Phone Be Released?

Tesla has a track record of releasing innovative, yet still-brand items like the Cyber truck-inspired.

All-electric vehicle for children and an umbrella that has their logo engraved on it, as well as a stainless-steel whistle. 

Incorporating a smartphone into the mix would not be as surprising. The announcement isn’t as convincing as the other products at least, not yet. 

There are several main reasons to question whether this phone is in the process of getting an actual release. 

The majority of the rumors stem out of an earlier 2021 YouTube video by the ad studio design. 

They state clearly that they are the creator’s concepts but not leaks or even details from Tesla. The majority of the stories we’ve heard are based on the source. 

We’ll discuss these further in the next section. The concepts for the phone aren’t too advanced for what they are currently. Including Neuralink technology and connections to Mars. 

These capabilities do not have a part of the first version of the phone. The device may be being developed without these features. 

It’s normal to remain skeptical  ideas are being discussed in this early. 

One of the foreseeable consequences, or even future plans of technology. The connects brains like Neuralink is the elimination of phones completely. It would be unproductive to invest time and effort into one. 

Tesla Phone Price Rumors

A phone equipped with the technology that is describe in this article. It is more expensive than the sum of a few thousand dollars. 

The next versions may come down in cost as more people begin to use the technology.  

But we wouldn’t anticipate the initial version to be affordable to the majority of users.  

Pre-Order Information

It is possible that we will hear about an announcement several months prior to the official launch. 

And pre-orders may begin at a later date. 

However, without a date for release to look up and no information on how soon pre-orders on the Tesla phone will begin. 

We’ll include any relevant information about pre-ordering here. 

In the event that we discover credible information regarding a new release.

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Tesla Phone Features

In light of Tesla’s obscene features in their existing models.

The Cybertruck’s almost impenetrable exoskeleton, and the bioweapon defense mode in others. And rumors of this phone shouldn’t come as a surprise. 

Original rendering done by Antonio DeRosa/ADR Studio. 

We’ve heard it all. 

Satellite Internet SpaceX’s space-based internet service, Starlink, is closely associated with Tesla (Elon Musk happens to be the Chief Executive Officer of both). It’s possible of using this Tesla smartphone in order to help to finance Mars colonization. Which has been a goal of the company since the beginning of its existence. They’ll need to find an approach to not just cover the large antenna that satellite phones come with it.  But provide reliable service with such a tiny device. One theory suggests it could be possible to use an existing Starlink base, for instance in a structure. In the event that it happens that it does, the Tesla car equipped with the correct antenna.  

Solar charging: Tesla manufactures solar panels and vehicles. That  isn’t an outlandish concept. It’s unlikely that the phone would depend entirely on solar power. It might have a Tesla-branded case that allows some solar-powered charging.  

Controlling the vehicle There’s already a Tesla app that phones can use to carry out the most basic car functions. Its like locking and unlocking the car and control playback of media and summon the vehicle. This app is likely to be installed on the phone in the event that it is not integrated into the operating system for simple access from the lock screen or external buttons. It’s also possible that the application will offer exclusive options exclusive for Tesla users of the phone.  

Astrophotography The current phones utilize AI as well as powerful camera systems to help in capturing stars at night. Combine that feature with SpaceX’s extraterrestrial focus. Which will naturally spill across to this phone. And you’ll have a smartphone capable of taking stunning photos of celestial objects.  

Cryptocurrency mining Another rumor is it’s able to extract cryptocurrency. Musk has been vocal about cryptocurrency previously.  It’s not unreasonable to think that he’d wish to integrate this feature into the phone. Although Bitcoin is more well-known and Musk probably prefers Dogecoin. Tesla’s phone will create a brand-new cryptocurrency called Mars Coin (a name that Musk owns tweeted on). A serious piece of hardware will need to be in place for the system to function properly.  

Support for Neuralink The concept of computers communicating with your brain is still science fiction as is Neuralink. That is among the companies that are working on it. They claim they’re ” designing the first neural implant that can let you manage a device. Such as a laptop or computer device wherever you go. “…with the brain’s activity simply through being aware of it. Could the first smartphone capable of this feat come from Tesla? The first version could be able to run on any phone using the Neuralink application. It’d be logical to have this here, given that Musk is the owner of Neuralink. Original rendering created by Antonio DeRosa/ADR Studio. It’s more sensible to see something more streamlined be made accessible first–i.e. The initially four or five functions only connected to an Tesla-branded version Android. 

If the phone is indeed real it is real, and Tesla offers a release till implantable interfaces for brain machines become accessible, we’ll need to wait for a few more years. 

While Musk has been adamant about the technology to be tested on humans starting in 2022 but it won’t be accessible to everyone immediately since the primary purpose of the tech is help people who have paralysis.

Tesla Phone Specs and Hardware

These assumptions are the only thing anyone could use in this phone. 

And with the absence of trustworthy sources available to base the phone, it’s not clear what this phone might look like on the inside. 

It’s expected to include all basic components, including 1 TB to 512 GB of storage, 8-16GB or RAM and an AMOLED display and a display of around 6.5 inches. 

  • For the exterior look, take a look at these Tesla Model P concept designs designed in the company ADR Studio, the origin of the majority of these speculations. There are high-quality renderings that you could look over beyond those we’ve utilized in this story. 

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